Let's Talk About “Attack” in Park of Monster Today.

Hey guys, I'm back to update my tips about one of the cool games Park of Monster! 🤗Today I'd like to talk about the attack system. I suddenly find out that I have unlocked  it. However I have some trouble when I first try to attack others.  Here are some tips I want to share with you guys! Please check it out below. 👇

1. Choose your attack team by clicking the button "All". Then you will find the list as  the picture shows you. The list include different types of your monsters which is very convenient. You can also set your defence team by the same way. 

 2. Use all your free opportunities everyday. There are 👉 3 opportunities to attack others for free👈every day, don't waste them. Even if you can't attack it, you can collect some items for free. Especially when you are in early stage, it's very necessary to attack others for more resources!

3. Rush the trophy rankings to attack.  Stick to the ancient monsters of these battle types; only those who want to collect all can choose to collect the ancient monsters, and trigger the battle to slip. However, it is recommended to try to collect 5 combat-type ancient monsters. After all, the higher your trophy, the more advanced players can be matched and the better items can be collected.

4. Weekly rewards. Every week is a season. At the end of the season, you will get rewarded according to your rank, which is the only stable way to get gems. So make sure your rank is high enough to guarantee you  some wonderful rewards!💪

All right, today's tips are all above. If I find more tips, I will let you know. 😜 As an animal crossing game, park of monster is doing well so far. So, if you are searching for fun free games and happen to like merge dragons, then come to Park of Monster and play with us here! ✨✨ ✨


  1. i was attacked 4 times in a row by one player. do you know how it possible attack someone more than 1 time ?


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