Some Helpful Tips for a NEW GAME "Park of Monster".

Hey, guys, I recently find a  new game called Park of Monster. As a player, I personally think it's a good game. Playable, beautiful and cute. πŸ‘This game is a little bit like Merge Dragon, so if you are a fan of  Merge Dragon, Park of Monster is definitely the game you can't miss. Below is a game screenshot and my in-game name, you are welcomed to add me  as your in-game friend if you are also a player of Park of Monster πŸ˜„.

Today, I'd like to share some tips about this game. I'm not a very high level player, so you can share your ideas with you as well if you find some more helpful tips. I'd be very happy to learn from you!

This is game is mainly about MERGE and PURIFY. These little monsters you can see in the picture above are your assistance. You will need to merge 3 together for a stronger one, and they will help you purify the dead lands.  After knowing these basic information, now, let's start the sharing!

1. Merging 5 to get 2 is the most cost-effective. If  you merge 5 monsters together, you can get 2 stronger monsters. Obviously it's a better choice because you can save one egg than merge 3 together. Therefore try to merge 5 as possible to save more resources.

2. Try every possible way to earn more ancient monsters.

  • Completing each challenge stage within the first 3 attempts reward you monsters, and you can acquire double via spending crystals. Highly recommend purchasing with crystals and gain more benefits.
  • Buy monsters like Hummingbird, lick, and goat directly from the VIP shop. Surely monster eggs are also purchasable, but the mechanic is that more you buy, the more expensive they are. So think twice before you buy monster eggs.
  • Unlock more high-level areas. In these areas there will appear many valuable items and monsters nests which can be merged into a large number of monsters. It won’t cost you real money, since the areas can be purified with consuming the required amount of crystals for free. 
3. Choose double rewards. In challenge stage, you can check the rewards first. Sometimes, the rewards are very attractive. Thus, double rewards is a wise choice.

Alright, these are the tips I know for now. If you know some better tips, then please share them with me. I'd be very glad to hear from you. I will keep update tips about Park of Monster, please stay tuned at the blog if you are interested. I truly hope you can share your opinions with me, feel free to comment below.  πŸ˜˜ 


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